Storage Solutions of Killeen

Move-Out Procedures

Giving Notice
Per paragraph 9 of your signed lease agreement, you are required to furnish our office a written notice to vacate.  Your notice must include your unit number, the date of your intended vacate and a forwarding address.  This notice must be received no less than 10 days prior to your move-out.

As a reminder, Storage Solutions does not make refunds.  If you intend to vacate after the first of the month, you will be charged a full month's rent.  We do not prorate.  To avoid being charged an additional month's rent, your notice must be received 10 days prior to the first of the month and you must be cleared from the unit before the start of the month. 

Clearing the Unit
Per paragraph 10 of your signed lease agreement, you are required to completely remove all of your belongings from the storage unit and sweep it.  Close and secure the door, but do not lock it.   

After ensuring the unit is cleaned, you will need to contact our office.  We will schedule a time to inspect the unit for compliance and lock the door.  You are not required to be present for this inspection.  If we find any issues we will contact you.

Failure to Comply
Failure to comply with any of these move-out policies will result in significant penalties.  Please refer to your signed lease agreement for specific charges.



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